The purpose and scope of this policy :

• to prevent bullying from happening amongst the children and young people who are involved with our academy .

• to make sure bullying is stopped as soon as possible if it does happen and that those involved receive the support they need.

• to provide information to all staff, volunteers, children and their families about what we should all do to prevent and deal with bullying amongst children and young people.

This policy statement applies to anyone working on behalf of SDA including coaches, venue staff, volunteers, sessional workers, and Academy members & Ambassadors.

What is Bullying?

Bullying includes a range of abusive behaviour that is repeated and intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionally.

Legal Framework

This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children in the UK.

We believe that:

• children and young people should never experience bullying or abuse of any kind

• we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people, to keep them safe and to practise in a way that protects them.

We recognise that:

• bullying causes real distress. It can affect a person’s health and development and, at the extreme, can cause significant harm.

• all children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse.

• everyone has a role to play in preventing all forms of bullying (including online) and putting a stop to bullying.

We recognise that bullying is closely related to how we respect and recognise the value of diversity.

We will be proactive about:

Seeking opportunities to learn about and celebrate difference

Increasing diversity within our staff, volunteers, children and young people

Welcoming new members to our Academy.









This Code of Conduct sets the standard of conduct and aims to make sure everyone who participates in (SDA) activities knows what is expected of them and feels safe, respected and valued. It outlines the behaviour and attitudes that you should expect to experience from everyone signed up to the code. It helps us provide safe, guaranteed care and support.

The academy team must make sure that everyone taking part in SDA has seen, understood and agreed to follow the code of behaviour, and that they understand the consequences of inappropriate behaviour.

We expect our members, coaches and parents to display appropriate behaviour at all times. This includes behaviour that takes place outside our organisation and behaviour that takes place online.

This Code of Conduct aims to:

• identify acceptable and unacceptable behaviour

• encourage cooperation, honesty, fairness and respect

• create an environment where your self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence will grow

• encourage you to recognise and respect the rights of others

• encourage you to take responsibility for your own behaviour

• help resolve conflicts and make it clear what will happen if you decide not to follow the code.

Do’s and don’ts

You should:

•Cooperate with others

•Be friendly

•Listen to others

•Be helpful

•Have good manners

•Treat everyone with respect

•Take responsibility for your own behaviour

•Talk to a coach about anything that worries or concerns you

•Follow this code of behaviour and other rules (including the law)

•Join in and have fun!

You shouldn’t:

•Be disrespectful to anyone else

•Bully each other (online or offline)

•Behave in a way that could be intimidating

•Be abusive towards anyone

What happens if you decide not to follow this Code of Conduct?

This code of behaviour is part of a process for making sure everyone who participates in SDA receives appropriate support.

Minor or first-time incident:

If you behave inappropriately, coaches will remind you about the Code of Conduct and ask you to comply with it. They will give you an opportunity to change your behaviour.

This gives you the chance to reflect and to plan a positive response with support from our coaches.

Following the traffic light system:

If you continue to behave inappropriately after your first reminder, or if your behaviour is more serious, you will be given a formal, green light warning by your coach. Your coach will record the incident and inform your parents or guardians. They will also talk with you about what happened and agree what support you need to improve your behaviour in the future.

If you continue to behave inappropriately after the green light warning, you will be given a formal amber light warning by your coach. We may also decide that a sanction is appropriate such as restricting you from using certain facilities. Again, your coach will record the incident and inform your parents/guardians. They will also talk with you about what happened and agree what support you need to improve your behaviour in the future.

If the support we have put in place isn’t helping you to change your behaviour, your coach may need to give you a formal red light warning. They will record the incident and inform your parents/guardians. At this point, we may need to talk with you and your parents about other services that might be more able to give you the support you need. It may be decided at this stage that SDA is not an appropriate activity for you to participate in.

We see parents and guardians as valuable partners in promoting positive behaviour and will involve them as appropriate. We will always inform and involve your parents/guardians if you receive a formal warning for inappropriate behaviour.



      •Only throw one dart at a time.

      •One person can throw at a time.

      •Stand behind the throw line when you are not throwing.

      •Remove the darts from the board by grasping the barrels of the darts, and not the tips.

      •Take your darts out of the board once all of the darts have been thrown.

      •Avoid running around or being silly near the dartboard and throwing area.

      •Make sure you are paying attention to the game and not being distracted.

      •Store your darts away safely when not in use.


Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 

The purpose of this policy is to protect children from any harm that may be caused due to their coming
into contact with Seaham Darts Academy . This includes harm arising from:
• The conduct of coaches or personnel associated with Seaham Darts Academy 
• The design and implementation of Seaham Darts Academy’s sessions and activities
The policy lays out the commitments made by Seaham Darts Academy and informs coaches and
associated personnel of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding.
This policy does not cover:
• Bullying or harassment – this is dealt with under Seaham Darts Academy’s Anti-Bullying
• Safeguarding concerns in the wider community not perpetrated by Seaham Darts
Academy or associated personnel.
What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding is defined for the purposes of this guidance as:
• protecting children from maltreatment
• preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
• ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
• taking action if you identify children to be at risk of harm.

• All coaches and volunteers of Seaham Darts Academy
• Associated personnel whilst engaged with activity or visits related to Seaham Darts Academy,
including but not limited to the following: consultants; volunteers; contractors; session visitors
including journalists, and celebrities.
It is pertinent to note safeguarding, and promoting the welfare of children, is everyone’s
Policy Statement
Seaham Darts Academy believes that everyone we come into contact with, regardless of age,
gender identity, disability, sexual orientation or ethnic origin has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation. Seaham Darts Academy will not tolerate abuse and exploitation by coaches or associated personnel.

Seaham Darts Academy commits to addressing safeguarding throughout its work, through the

three pillars of prevention, reporting and response.


Seaham Darts Academy responsibilities

Seaham Darts Academy will:

• Ensure all coaches have access to, are familiar with, and know their responsibilities within this policy.

• Design and undertake all its sessions and activities in a way that protects people from any risk of harm that may arise from their coming into contact with Seaham Darts Academy.

This includes the way in which information about individuals in our sessions is gathered and communicated.

• Implement stringent safeguarding procedures when recruiting, managing and deploying coaches and associated personnel

• Ensure coaches receive training on safeguarding at a level commensurate with their role in the organization.

• Follow up on reports of safeguarding concerns promptly and according to due process Child safeguarding.

Seaham Darts Academy coaches and associated personnel must not:

• Engage in sexual activity with anyone under the age of 18

• Sexually abuse or exploit children

• Subject a child to physical, emotional or psychological abuse, or neglect

• Engage in any commercially exploitative activities with children including child labour or trafficking.

Additionally, Seaham Darts Academy coaches and associated personnel are obliged to:

• Contribute to creating and maintaining an environment that prevents safeguarding violations and promotes the implementation of the Safeguarding Policy

• Report any concerns or suspicions regarding safeguarding violations by a Seaham Darts Academy coach or associated personnel to the Child Welfare Officer.


Seaham Darts Academy will ensure that safe, appropriate, accessible means of reporting

safeguarding concerns are made available to coaches and the communities we work with.

Any coaches reporting concerns or complaints through formal channels will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Seaham Darts Academy will also accept complaints from external sources such as members of the public, partners and official bodies. 

How to report a safeguarding concern

Coaches who have a complaint or concern relating to safeguarding should report it immediately to the Child Welfare Officer John Allan, as appropriate. If the coach does not feel comfortable reporting to the Child Welfare Officer or Academy Director (for example if they feel that the report will not be taken seriously, or if that person is implicated in the concern) they may report to Durham Multi Agency Support Hub (MASH) on 03000265770.